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Reincarnated as a Sword Volume 15

It is time for time travel

One of the longest entries in the series so far, volume fifteen does not do all that much different than the rest of the series, but still is fun enough to keep going. It shares a lot of the same slight annoyances from the other entries, stuff like: confusing magic system that keeps adding new terms for power creep, lots of severe injuries immediately healed by magic, and a inconsistent durability system. It is tough to keep track of some of it, but thankfully it feels like it does not really matter.

The new entry to the magic system this time around is a time traveling trick that affects a few of the side characters causing future versions of themselves from a different timeline to meet their current incarnations. The most interesting part is when Teacher and Fran are introduced to their other versions, ones where Teacher fully becomes a sword leading to Fran becoming increasingly berserk. While mostly nonsense, the becoming a sword thing is sort of an interesting twist and the scene where they meet is solid. Winelene was also a fun character and I am interested in seeing where Wine and Lene go from here (if we get to see more of that).

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